"Admissions Open for 2024 - 2025"


Marungulam, Thanjavur

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Arivuchudar School, Thanjavur


Our Academic Co-ordinator

Mrs. R. Ilavarasi

B.Tech., (EEE), M.Tech.,(Nanotechnology) Pursuing Ph.D., in NIT Trichy


11 Years as Assistant Professor,
Periyar Maniammai University, Vallam


arivuchudar ‘school’ starts at 3 years of age.  The 3 to 6 year old child is undergoing a process of self-construction. The application of the Montessori philosophy and the specifically designed Montessori equipment aids the child’s ability to absorb knowledge and continue this path of self-construction. Acquisition of one’s own first culture is the child’s central developmental drive in the first plane of development.

The pre-school environment serves this drive abundantly, bringing the world to the child. Globes, maps, songs, land forms, collections of pictures of life in different cultures, and much more, is offered, with the aim of helping the child to grow as an individual appreciating the larger context of his or her world.

Primary Curriculum

arivuchudar Primary years, every day is an opportunity for astounding growth. Your little one will thrive in our developmentally-centered programmes that embrace the principle of learning through play. Safe to explore, each child is supported and encouraged.


Our outstanding Early Years Programme covers Nursery to Grade 5 and is taught in nurturing and inspiring purpose-built learning spaces by dedicated and highly qualified and trained teachers who support every aspect of your child’s learning. At Kalaimagal CBSE School, Thanjavur, we want your child to have fun, be happy, safe and secure at all times. We want to inspire them to become purposeful, confident and lifelong learners.

Our Golden Three